Thursday, November 28, 2013

Our forefathers gathered together and celebrated Thanksgiving to thank God for His goodness, provision and the grace.

Our Forefathers gathered together and celebrated 
Thanksgiving to thank God for His goodness, provision and the grace He provided in their struggle to survive in a new and harsh environment.

God is still good, provides what we need and gives us the grace to endure both collectively and as individuals.

A Christian is by definition: One who has accepted Jesus Christ as their Personal Savior.  One that has confessed and repents of their sins, One that has turned over their life to Jesus. One that lets Jesus guide them through the events of their daily lives. One that knows that there is a Heaven and there is Eternal Life with Jesus as their King. 

We lost a young member of our greater family today.  It has been interesting to note how each of the family members dealt with the tragedy.  Those that I believe are truly Christians were able to accept it with a peace that seems to surpass understanding.  Even though they will miss our departed family member, they all seemed to understand that death is as much a part of life as birth.  They seem to intuitively know that a person's time on earth, whether they live one day or 100 years, is merely a nanosecond with respect to the duration of  time associated with eternity.. On the other hand, those that I do not believe or know the Lord Jesus at this point in their lives don't possess this understanding about life. They are distraught, lost and  afraid. They don't understand the larger picture. They question why it happened and begin to ponder and fear their own eventual death. 

If you are not a Christian and you have shared the kind of feelings my non Christian relatives are feeling as I write, Consider the Fact that Jesus is real.  He is alive and He is coming again to rule the earth and his people. His people are not all of the people that have lived on the earth through history, they are actually only those that have accepted him as their Savior and have given themselves to him and his service for all eternity.

What's in it for me?  

Peace, lack of fear of the unknown, and confidence that His Word is the Truth and the Light and I will Serve God through my Lord Jesus Christ for all eternity.  

Bottom line, it takes away the worry so prevalent in this world.
Accept Jesus Christ as your Personal Savior Today, It will change your outlook and life forever.

 Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; and whoever lives by believing in me will never die. Do you believe this?”
John  11:25  - 26

Thanks for letting me share this with you, 

Tony Whyte
The Victoria House Company
Southern Crossings Gate Systems / GateBuilder Gate Frames
619 729 0420

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